Category: blog

  • Responsibility​



    This is not about global warming. I need not make the case that humans are in trouble. We are in trouble. Civilization will collapse. The only question is when. Billions will suffer and die. Such a collapse may be the only thing to save us from extinction.  The problems humans face are baked into how we act, think,…

  • The Modern Lifestyle is Unsustainable



    20% of the world’s wealthiest citizens consume most of the Earth’s renewable resources. The consume most of the Earth’s renewable resources. The rest of the world’s citizens bring that consumption to more than what the Earth’s biosphere can produce, so that humanity borrows resources from the future.  It’s called Earth Overshoot day. In 2018 it fell on…

  • Perspective



    It is difficult to get a good perspective on the Modern World that we humans have created. We use our experience to measure the passing of time. A few generations back seems a long time ago and would appear to be another world. A few generations from now is unimaginable. Geologic time measures the passing…

  • Global Warming



    In For a Future I start off by explaining global warming. Climate Change or global warming is but one of the nine environmental thresholds on which the diversity of life in the Earth’s biosphere depends. According to the Stockholm Resilience Centre, of the nine planetary boundaries, four of the thresholds have been breached. In the…

  • Two Years On



    It’s been a little over two years since I finished For a Future. Oh well. Who could have expected that Trump would gain ascendency and snuff out whatever hope there was for the Paris Accords? One has to remember that these voluntary accords replaced binding accords that were far less than what the Kyoto protocols—also…