
James Hansen, the climate change scientist who lead the wake-up call in 1981, released a paper a few months ago explaining  that the end of the world as we know it is not far off if we hit 2°C increase in global temperature. The situation is much worse than we think!

In so many words, slowing down to 95 miles an hour from 100 still drives civilization off of the cliff. He just reiterated that the cliff is massive and that its close.


Though China is the world’s biggest polluter, it pales when looked at per capita. The US, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and Austrailia have per capita cumulative emissions that dwarf everyone one else.


Naomi Klein, the Climate Change rock star, was also at the Place to B newscast. Her theme that this changes everything has her working for a nonpolluting just economy in Canada that respects indigenous peoples in what she called the Leap manifesto.

My original intention was to hand her a copy of the book. I tried twice, but it didn’t happen. She’s pretty much inaccessible. I did learn that 75% of all mining companies the world over are headquartered in Canada.



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